Everybody in this world should develop an emergency fund. So, that they can fight the battle that arises from nowhere. Especially in those where a person requires money. But not everyone earns a lot. So, that they can develop an emergency fund. A lot of people who work can only pay their rent and for their monthly groceries. After paying for all these things they don’t have money to save. And, if some emergency arises then how can they get the money? This is the question that such people face. The bank is not the option because it will take a lot of time.
In that one can think of Van pledge [รับจำนำรถตู้, which is the term in Thai] to get the money. Because the company will pay the money instantly. And, it is for all those people who want the money urgently. Like to pay the medical bills or something. In which a person needs to deposit the money instantly. For those people, van pledging is a nice option. It saves a lot of time of people and provides them with what they need. That too in a short period.
The vehicle will be in the same condition
A lot of people think that when they get back their vehicle it will not be the same anymore. Just like they have left it after pledging their vehicle. But this is not true. A person’s vehicle will be the same just like they have let. Company provide full security to the vehicle. So, that nothing happens to the vehicle. And, a person does not feel that they got cheated or something.
Time is very crucial
Time is very crucial or such people who needs the money instantly. Because at any moment anything bad can happen. And, that is what the pledging company understand about their user. So, they take a very short period to provide the money that the person needs.