Earning money with a Forex affiliate program is not as complicated as it seems. It is simpler than trading in Forex indirectly. The most important thing is to choose the right Affiliate program.
Steps In Choosing an Affiliate Program
- The most important thing is to know your broker thoroughly. Some brokers are reputed to play with their affiliates, forgetting to report open accounts, delaying payments, and even not paying for well-deserved commissions. Do you think that sounds a silly attitude on the part of the Brokers? This is because, in my opinion, those brokers shoot themselves in the legs and undermine their own business. We do not recommend working with unverified brokers.
First, find out how big and familiar the broker is. A rule of thumb is that the larger and more established the broker, the better the conversion rates will be and the less likely they are to play with their affiliates.
- Another factor is support in several languages. Our support service speaks in the most popular languages in the world, and personal managers provide all the necessary information.
- Training and promotional material. A good Broker always provides its affiliates with everything they need to succeed in attracting Traders. In the personal account of the Libertex Affiliate, you can find a lot of training and promotion material, among which there are ready banners, buttons, and even landing pages.
- Affiliate back office and reports – it is essential to ensure that the broker provides some Back Office software that allows the Affiliate to track their performance in real-time. It is not right if you do not know immediately how many customers have registered using your links but find out at the end of the month. Unlike some doubtful Brokers, we provide each
Affiliate is (Affiliate คือ ,which is the term in Thai) with a robust statistical system that allows you to follow all the important indicators in detail and in real-time.